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MaleEdge Extra

by: Male Edge

How to make your penis grow bigger without pills or surgery  The Male Edge Penis Enlarger is based on the only natural and non-surgical method for growing...

MaleEdge Extra is available from a platinum partner!

How to make your penis grow bigger without pills or surgery


The Male Edge Penis Enlarger is based on the only natural and non-surgical method for growing your penis  that has been clinically tested and proven. This method, the so-called penis traction device has been tested by several institutes and leads to scientifically documented, lasting effect within penis growth.


While surgery can give you a slight increase in penis size, it often comes with unwanted complications. Pills are often largely untested and an ineffective and unsafe way to grow your penis. The safest way to make your penis grow bigger is without surgery or pills, by using the penis traction method.


No surgery, no risks and you set the pace


Natural penis enlargement with Male Edge is often preferred to surgeries because it bears no risks. MaleEdge products are certified medical devices with safety and efficacy assessed under Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC in Europe. However, if you experience any any discomfort or side effects with MaleEdge s products, MaleEdge cannot be held responsible. The device is so light and comfortable to wear that it can be used over longer periods in the comforts of your home or even at work under loose pants.


While following the Male Edge program, you set the pace and goals. Many of our clients have reported penis growth by as much as 2 3 inches along with a significant increase in girth.*  By deciding how long you want to wear the device and how much traction you want to apply to it, you set the pace of your natural penis enlargement.

 * As a generel rule, results will vary with each individual.


Based on the evidence of human tissue response to stretching a traction device for non-invasive penile lengthening has been designed and tested.



- Basic ring, fastened proximally around the root of the penis, abutting on the symphysis.
- Two adjustable metal bars hinged to the ring, connecting it to the silicon-support, fastened around the corona glandis at the distal end of the penis.
- By gradually increasing the tractive force on the two metal bars a stretching force is exerted on the corporae, which equals a tractive force of a 600-1500 g weight attached to the penis.



2.1. Number of patients:

10 patients ranging from 23-47 years


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